Saturday, December 17, 2011

Good News on the "Lip"

Even though the lip has been gradually healing, it's been sort of a slow process. For the last while, the scab would come off leaving a reasonable facsimile of a normal lip underneath but it just didn't quite look or feel right. By the next day it would be covered once again by a thinner scab or scaling. But today, for the first time, the scab or scaling didn't return to a large section of my lip and it feels wonderful. I'm assuming, maybe prematurely, that the rest of the lip will follow suit in short order.

It's been 64 days since the last radiation treatment so much longet than I'd been led to believe before the scabbing would be gone but right now I don't care. My lip is beginning to feel normal for the first time since more than 2 years ago when the first tiny sore appeared. It was then I should have told the dermatologist to treat it but I chose to ignore it and the end result was skin cancer that required serious treatment.

In any case, all that I went through with the treatments was worth it in the long run. I suppose I knew this during and after treatments but it's nice to see the beginning of the end after all this time. When I look back on photos when my lip was at it's worst, I can't believe I held myself together mentally without cracking up. It wasn't easy but it wasn't a disaster. Maybe it even made me a stronger person being able to deal with the whole damn thing.

I guess it's true that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

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