Sunday, January 08, 2012

My New Watch

I'm not a fancy person who needs expensive watches to make me feel successful so I buy a watch every year or two from the flea market in Florida. It's nice to have the change so often, too. I loved this watch as soon as I saw it because of the colors in the band and also because it was stretchy with no clasps.

At first I sort of thought the band looked like it was made of safety pins strung with beads but then thought, no, no-one would sell something like that. Well, when I finally got around to inspecting it closer, the band really was made of safety pins and I think it's adorable! How ingenious to use a simple and readily available product to make a watch band. You know it had to have been made in China because we Canadians and Americans are just too snooty to think of doing such a thing.

I love it and it only cost $12.

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