Monday, February 27, 2012

I Don't Understand

Something I've never been able to understand is how some charity money is collected. When you are asked to buy a bracelet, chocolate bar or any other item because a percentage of the cost will be donated to charity, I wonder why we bother. When celebrities pay $1000 each to dine in luxury so that a percentage of that $1000 will be donated to charity, I wonder even more.

When did it become the duty of businesses to get involved in collecting money for charity, all the while selling their own product to do so? I really believe that all these demands on the public to donate everywhere we look has made us reluctant to donate to legitimate charities. We've been bombarded too many times.

It's also a little scary to think how money donated is often not secure, allowing who knows who to skim whatever they can. Even legitimate charities aren't policed completely and we see over and over how too many of them use donations for their own purposes and not the one the money was meant for.

I guess I just don't trust but maybe that's not a bad thing. Being too trusting makes us into targets.

1 comment:

couponsforzipcodes said...

Ya, definitely agree with you sometimes trusting a lot also puts a bad effect.
But there are businesses who really work for charity to raise the funds and services.