Friday, February 17, 2012

More on Whitney

I can't believe that there is a movement to have U.S. flags flying at half mast to honor Whitney Houston. Are these people crazy? Just because someone was gifted with a beautiful singing voice doesn't mean that other aspects of their life shouldn't be considered. Should we make a hero out of a woman who destroyed her life, and that beautiful voice, by saturating herself with illegal drugs? I just don't get it.

It seems as though popular entertainers have been given a pass to carry on their lives in despicable manner just as long as they continue to entertain us. Michael Jackson, a pedophile, is still idolized by many. My beloved Elvis is another entertainer who threw it all away with drugs. There are so many of them who couldn't resist the temptations offered them because of their status.

Marilee objected to my comment on Facebook that I was sick of hearing Whitney Houston's voice on every darned newscast for the past week because she thought I wanted to erase the "voice". But, no, what I hate is the massive air time given to a talented woman who is dead at 48 because she chose to be a drug addict.

Children emulate their idols and, when a tragedy like the early death of Whitney Houston occurs, the stress should be on how foolish she had been to destroy her body with drugs. Yes, keep on idolizing her fabulous voice but do it with a touch of sadness for her lethal drug use.

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