Friday, March 16, 2012


I've always loved the ugly trees that surround my trailer even though they drop leathered leaves all the time and mess up the patio. One of my friends here once said he didn't like the trees because "things" could fall out of them. I chose to ignore the comment and not ask for details but the words have hung with me for many years.

Well, a nightmare happened on Wednesday night. It was still light out as another male friend was making his way through the trailer lots over to the clubhouse to play Bingo. He passed under quite a few trees along the way and something heavy fell onto his shoulder, slid down his leg and coiled up on the ground. You got was a bloomin' snake!

Now, he thought it was funny but I know that if it had happened to me I would have had a massive heart attack and dropped dead on the spot. We all know that snakes abound here in the warm south but people like me try to pretend they're always far away from us. All I want is for them to stay away from me and out of sight. I don't want to see even a dead one because I know it was once alive and could have come near me if it chose to do so.

The men all tried to play macho and act as though it didn't bother them but most of us women were admittedly terrified. I don't know why we're so afraid of snakes but they scare the beejeezus out of me.

I have 2 prayers right is that my car doesn't break down before it gets Shelley and me home and the other one is that I finish my winter vacation in Florida without hearing about or seeing a snake. Please and Thank You!

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