Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Squirrels in the Attic...Again!!

I think it was 2 years ago that I went through the utter hell of having squirrels in the attic and trying to have them removed.  I had a near nervous breakdown over it and swore I'd sell the house if the buggers got in again.  Well, they did.

The people I hired to rid me of the squirrels put a metal cage around the roof vents to prevent them getting back in so I'm not sure how they did.  From what I can see, the metal cages look a little like they might have been cut through but I should know tomorrow.  I've now hired the same pest control people that got rid of the centipedes and I'm hoping for more than 2 years squirrel free.  I'm furious this time instead of deep down depressed like I was the last time.  I would shoot them through the walls if I had a gun so it's a good thing I don't have one.  Also, it would wreck the walls.

It really is infuriating to have these darned things making my home theirs.  I wonder how many houses in the city sit squirrel free their entire lives and here my little house has been invaded twice.  The last time it cost me $200 to get rid of them.  The bill this time will be $350 so they are a costly problem.

I hope to update in a week to tell the world I'm squirrel free once again.  I know nobody cares but me. 

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