Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tyson's Afghan

Above are two things I'm involved in right now.  I started Tyson's afghan when I was in Florida but didn't make much headway because I'm much too busy socializing when I'm in Florida.  Here at home I should be able to finish it within the next month.  The colors are purple and gold on white cloth because that's the colors of his favorite football team, the Minnesota Vikings.  I'm also going to attempt weaving in the initials, "MV", all across the bottom hems.  I've never done lettering before so it will be a fun challenge.

On the table is the book, "The Help", and I'm just starting it.  So far it makes me really angry that black people have had to suffer such demeaning discrimination at the hands of whites.  I sometimes feel shame because of my race but then I accept there is good and bad in all people regardless of race and we can't let ourselves be tarnished by the bad.

I just rented 3 tables for a yard sale that will be held June 9th and that makes me very happy.  I can get rid of excess household stuff and also have an outlet to sell my jewellery.  I have lots and lots of interests, some of which I have yet to start, and I really wonder at times how anyone can be bored or lonely.  I don't remember my mother or grandmother having any interests in crafts or hobbies of any kind so maybe my craft interests come from my father's side of the family.  Wish I knew who he was and who his family is!

My grandmother was a great cook who spent a lot of her time putting down preserves of all kinds.  My mother worked all day and spent her spare time reading trashy love magazines.  Now, that would bore the beejeezus out of me.  It's best for us to find our own interests, isn't it?  

I learned how to make crocheted ribbon-yarn necklaces from a friend in Florida so that is next on my list of things to do to sell at the yard sale.  It isn't the selling of the items that draws me, it's the interaction that I enjoy.  I did let myself get a little overstocked on jewellery, though, so I need to get rid of a lot of it now.  One of my big problems is that I tend to overdo when I get involved in a pastime, then I begin to lose interest in order to go on to another newer interest.  That's what's happened with the jewellery but I can't just shove it aside because I have too much money invested in it.  Maybe one day I'll learn.  Maybe, maybe not.

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