Monday, May 21, 2012

Weekend Away

It was a long awaited visit to Joyce and Larry's cottage and it couldn't have gone better.  I love going up there but things have gotten in the way for the last couple of years and it's been about 3 years since I was able to go.  Luckily, Faye made the plans and we, along with Gary, went up there on Thursday and came home on Sunday.  I'm a firm believer in the old saying that fish and company begin to stink after 3 days.

We ate, laughed, did a bit of yard saleing, Swedish weaving, and more eating and laughing every day so it was a lovely visit.  Their home is immaculate but so comfortable and homey, not to mention that the outside views of the lake are breathtaking.  I'm allergic to cats and they have two...Fernie and Allie...but the house is so clean that I'm never affected by their dander.  Allie is a monster sized persian cat who makes no bones about who is the queen of the house...her!

The weather was excellent but the appearance of black flies kept us indoors most of the time.  Joyce and Larry have a screened gazebo so we sat out there for a while reading, though.  The black flies don't go near Larry so he can't understand why the rest of us squawked about them.  I'm happy for the northerners that black fly season is short lived because I'm still scratching the bites I got up there.

Gary took the long way home on Sunday, driving through miles and miles of somewhat back roads until finally reaching the 401 which was clogged with cars.  We'd thought the traffic would be moving faster on Sunday because it was the long weekend but Toronto is never easy to drive through.

The weather has been quite hot but my recent plantings did okay while I was gone with the exception of one poor little Impatiens that a squirrel dislodged and tossed out of the pot.  I hate squirrels!!  I replanted the poor thing and will water everything later today.

Kim is coming over at 10 A.M. to take me to Matt's for coffee.  He's such a sweetheart who loves his family deeply.  He called yesterday to tell me he'd just finished planting flowers in pots on his balcony and was quite proud of himself.  I'm hoping that Sandra isn't working today so that I get to see her, too.

This summer, so far, is working out to be the easy one I've craved for such a long time.  I think it helped that I bought the new car so quickly and didn't have to waste time fretting about that unpleasant job.  I did kill a centipede this morning and that shot my stress level up a few notches but I'm okay now.  I hate centipedes!

I love going on day to 3 day trips but it's always nice to come back to my own house.  As Kim said when she was a little girl, "I'm just a homely girl.".


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