Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Queen Elizabeth

She may be a very nice old lady but Queen Elizabeth of England has no place in today's modern world.  When we see the pageantry involved everywhere she visits, the outrageous cost to public funds just can't be justified.  She has no power and no apparent use other than to parade in front of the public and slowly wave her hand.  I often think she must be bored to tears.

What mystifies me is that she seems to be more popular with the Americans than she is with Canadians.  I'm completely confused as to why anyone would line up for hours jammed in massive crowds to watch her ride by and wave.  Again, she might be very nice but I just don't understand her popularity and the need for royalty in our world.  I better understand the adoration of a world leader who actually does something useful for the people.

Queen Elizabeth visited my city when I was 11 years old and greeted us at the football stadium.  We children were given the day off school and possibly bused (I forget) to the stadium where we cheered wildly and loudly as she stood on a stage and waved at us.  I remember I lost my voice from yelling.  I also remember that she meant nothing to me at the time and that I only yelled because it was fun to do.  She was a pretty young woman then and hadn't been appointed "Queen" but we knew that one day she would be but also wondered why we needed one.  That was 1951 and here she is, still waving, and maybe more popular than she was then.  It's a strange world.

We need more heroes, people who have made a difference to the world and contributed something of importance.  We don't need figureheads who wave at us as they stroll or drive by, no matter how nice they are.    

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