Tuesday, July 17, 2012


My old central air has been working itself to the bone this summer and today might have been the hottest we'll see this year.  I don't know how people can survive without air conditioning but then I remember how I did without for most of my life.  We sweltered in cars with no air conditioning, too.

The modern comforts have made us wimps (I think this should be spelled whimps but my computer says no).  If I was suddenly thrust back 100 years I couldn't make it through a day.  I need air conditioning, central heating, supermarts, cars with automatic transmissions, T.V., and microwaves.  I need automatic washers and dryers, refrigerators, and permanent press clothing.  There's lots more but I think I mentioned the basics.

When my children were young we used to go camping and I'd sleep in a sleeping bag on the floor of the tent.  Today I consider myself to be roughing it if I spend the night in a motel with no complimentary morning breakfast.  If I had to sleep on the floor of a tent again, I'd never be able to get back up on my feet.  Not to mention that my whole body would ache all night.

No wonder we live longer these days than our ancestors did.  We're pampered and spoiled.  I suppose I should feel a little embarrassed for how soft I've become but I don't.  It's more like feeling damn thankful I was born in 1940 instead of 1840.   

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