Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Shootings in Toronto

I live about 45 minute drive from Toronto and have always understood that it's like another world there and wouldn't live there for the world.  Lately there has been a rash of shootings in public places, presumably a feud between gang members, that have resulted in loss of life.  I don't care one iota about the gang members dying but I do care about the innocent bystanders who also died or were wounded.

To walk into a crowded restaurant or mall and open fire on your enemy is nothing less than cowardice.  It's the equivalent of hitting someone from behind or in their sleep but this is worse because they don't care that they're also endangering innocent people in the near vicinity...even children!

For the life of me, I can't understand why the gun shooters don't realize that they are cowards and feel shame for their actions.  Newspaper editorials are saying Toronto and guns are becoming too much like the United States and maybe this is true.  We do like to think our strict gun laws make us better than the U.S. but apparently you don't need too many guns to cause chaos.

My opinion of these cowards is that they'd be whiny, snivelling creatures if they had to fairly face someone one on one without the benefit of their weapons.  Of course, once they're caught by police and sent to prison, they'll spend a lot of time whining and snivelling so their day will come sooner or later.   

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