Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day With Nash

Sweet little Nash, 1 1/2, doesn't know me very well so having him all day seemed like a good start in our relationship.  I worried that he'd have a fit when his Momma dropped him off but he headed straight for the toys and seemed to forget all about her.  He has the gentlest ways about him.  When he reaches for something I don't want him to touch and I say no, he immediately stops and doesn't bother with it again.  He's a wonder!

He seemed kind of tired all morning and tried a few times to sleep in the playbox but I distracted him, trying to delay his real nap until 9 A.M. at least.  He'd only had a half hour sleep when the phone rang and woke him up.  I tried putting him down for an afternoon nap and he'd been asleep about an hour when the phone rang and woke him up.  Having his naps interrupted like this made him overtired and he just wasn't very energetic all day.

I made the mistake of asking him if he wanted to see Daddy on the computer and he thought I meant that his Daddy was here.  He ran to the front door and screamed bloody murder when he saw that his Daddy wasn't there.  He was so devastated that he grabbed a pillow and put it in the playhouse and tried to fall asleep...escape from the tragedy that his little life had become is my guess.

We had a few rainstorms today and it was wet outside so we stayed indoors all day.  By far, Nash played nicely and ate nicely but every so often he'd cry like his little heart was broken.  It wouldn't last long but I think he felt out of his element with me, not having formed our bond yet but it will come.

Natasha picked him up at 5:30 and I took out the dragon I'd bought for Nolan at a yard sale...he loved it!  I get him for the day in 2 weeks and I've decided to brave the library and take him there.  There's been an outbreak of bedbugs at some of the city libraries and I'd earlier decided never to set foot in one again but then I thought of all the public places we do go to and how we can never be certain they're bug free either.  It kind of makes me sick to think about it.  Anyway, I won't let Nolan or myself sit in an upholstered chair there even though all the libraries have just recently been sprayed!!  Maybe all public places should only be furnished with plastic tables and chairs.

Nash was so easy to care for that he didn't wear me out but it's kind of nice to have the rest of the evening looking after only me! 

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