Friday, July 27, 2012

New Storm Door

I haven't had a storm door at my front door in maybe 10 years because I didn't want my nice new red steel door with the stained glass windows to be covered in any way.  Stupid of me because there have been many times over those years when it would have been lovely to be able to let a breeze come in via a storm door screen.  Well, I bit the bullet today and went over to Home Depot and bought a very pretty storm door that has disappearing screens when they're not in use.  I think this is a super idea but had never known they even existed before.

A small problem, though.  Isn't there always?  The door had to be picked up within 24 hours which meant my poor handyman had to zip over there to pick it up after working at another job all day.  I wonder why it couldn't have been held in the store for 3 or 4 days at least since it was already paid for?

The door can't be installed for a couple of weeks (hopefully that's all) when my handyman has the time to do it but I don't mind that.  I've done without one for 10 years and I'm just happy I finally made the move to get a new one this year.

I had lunch with Nick and the boys today and once again sat in amazement watching the difference between the little boys.  I'd joked about Nolan being on double speed compared to Nash but I have to adjust that to at least quadruple speed.  Nick told me about Nolan being told he was a lucky boy and Nolan replied, "Yes, I'm a yucky boy!".  He can't say his "L's" and it gives us lots of opportunities to laugh.  He says "heyyo" for hello, "yunch" for lunch, "yook" for look, too.  Adorable!

Since I had Nash all day yesterday he seems to accept me pretty well now.  Of course, he won't let me cuddle him but he doesn't scream when I come near him.  Improvement of sorts.

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