Sunday, July 15, 2012

Meeting My Sister

I have a love/hate relationship with my sister.I love her dearly for all the really wonderful things about her but I hate her flash temper when something displeases her.  She doesn't read my blog  so I can vent here.

She knows how I feel, though.  We've had a few clashes where I've told her I won't accept any abuse from anyone, not even verbal, so she's careful with her temper when it comes to me.  I don't understand how such a loving, caring person like my sister can flare so easily but I kind of think it might be insecurity on her part.  She took a lot of mental abuse in her earlier years and it's caused her to respond too quickly.  I, on the other hand, had counselling to deal with my own insecurities and that taught me to stand still and assess the situation before reacting.  Since I'm terribly embarrassed about making a scene, my reactions are much quieter than my sister's.

For instance, last week a lady accidentally bumped into her and she lit into the poor lady because she didn't apologize.  My reaction would have been, at the most, to give the lady a dirty look for her poor manners.  Counselling taught me that most incidents are not worth upsetting ourselves over and I really believe that.  I wasted way too many years upset, angry, and frustrated but my acquired peace of mind these days make my life so much better.  Some things are just better let go instead of raising your blood pressure over.

My sister and I are having lunch together today and I can only hope it's a pleasant one.     

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