Friday, August 03, 2012

Kitchen Purge

True to my nature, this morning I looked into the kitchen cupboard for a place to put my new casserole dish and, finding no room, ended up cleaning out the whole thing.  I discarded old Tupperware that had begun to decompose the way old plastic will do; I hauled out pots and pans and fondue sets; I deposited old Tupperware that still looked good into bags; I set aside old Thermoses that I will never use; I pulled out of the depths of the cupboard a big old crockpot but the liner doesn't come out for cleaning so I don't want it.  The good stuff will go to the Salvation Army today.

One of the great things I discovered were 3 sets of Pyrex mixing bowls in excellent condition due to the fact that I almost never used them.  Wonder why I had 3 sets??  Upon checking on Ebay, I found out that these are worth a bit of money!  I kept one set and will take the others down to Florida to put on Ebay.

My cupboards look pretty good now with room for everything I still find useful.  It feels so good to purge once in a while because we tend to hang on to too much junk that is too good to throw out.  I tell myself that by taking it all to the Salvation Army some person who really can use it will buy it cheaply and the money they pay for it will do even more good for a charity organization.

I feel like I lost some unwanted weight.  

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