Thursday, August 30, 2012

Living It Day by Day

Life isn't easy and it takes a lot of stamina and determination for anyone to get through each day.  I don't know for sure but it seems as though we're faced with more and more struggles as we age.  We develop illnesses and we lose loved ones...this was never a huge concern when we were young but it's an "in the face" issue more often as we age.

I look ahead to the day I hit the century mark (it's not going to happen but I'm just using my imagination) and it's for certain that most of the people who accompanied me through the years will be gone.  Centurions are lucky if some of their children are still with them.  New friends are nice but they can't take the place of people who have known you most of your life so to be left behind can't be a pleasant experience.

To lose someone you love is like having part of your heart and soul ripped away and the elderly have that terrible experience many times in their long lives.  It makes us tougher but it also makes us insecure.  Some, like me, become professional worriers who sense danger where danger might not exist.  

I'm a relatively smart woman.  I'm not bragging, just saying it like it is, so I know that it's useless to worry about what might happen to lessen the quality of our lives.  It's much more fruitful to hope the bad doesn't happen and to appreciate all the good we have.  I try to do this but it takes strength I don't always possess.           

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