Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Muslim Infanticide

I think it's still called infanticide if a parent kills a teen or adult child and we're seeing much too much of it in Canada lately, ever since the influx of Muslim families.  What I can't understand is why Muslim parents immigrate to a country where their home and family values are vastly different from their country of origin.  Why would a strict Muslim family choose to live in a country where their children will undoubtedly pick up that country's culture and way of life?

The children we are seeing murdered by their own parents are not evil children.  Apparently all they want to do is dress more like Canadians, have boyfriends, and maybe a bit of a social life.  Unfortunately for them, their parents still want the control they had in their home country where the girls wore veils and were forced into arranged marriages.

This is not going to be acceptable practice in Canada and any Muslim families planning to immigrate here had better understand that.  In this country, women have fought long and hard for the freedoms they have today and we are NOT going to  accept less ever again.  My heart goes out to the young immigrant Muslim girl who yearns for freedoms she's never experienced before but who fears for her life if she opposes her parents.

I'm not saying that it's not possible that some Canadian parents have been too liberal with their children but, for the most part, I'm very pleased that young girls can now expect more equal opportunities in their lives than ever before.  It hurts to see young mid eastern girls wearing head scarves designed to hide their glorious hair.  Funny, though, that many of the head scarves are colorful and adorned with eye catching baubles.  I see that as the girl's way of expressing herself.

In a recent incident of Muslim infanticide here in Canada, the parents murdered their 3 daughters and then commented that their graves should be shit upon because they defied their parents by having boyfriends.  This is beyond our understanding.

I've heard many Muslim leaders state that this behaviour is not condoned in the Koran but comes from a distortion in understanding it's teaching.  I believe this to be true.  We hear over and over again how Islam is a religion of love and peace, just as the rest of the world's religions but we also see how evil and cruel some religious followers can be.  People who commit cruelty against others always have good reason why they do so but it's always twisted and senseless in the end.  The real reason is that they are hateful, selfish human beings and that can occur in any religion (or lack of).

Islamic leaders in Canada have got to re-educate their followers and make them understand that old country ways will not be tolerated here.  I see a day ahead when all newcomers to Canada will be able to blend in and become true Canadians, still respecting their home country's culture but also embracing the culture of their new, chosen country.  I hope they'll bring only the good of their country to their new home and leave the bad behind.

There's an old saying, "when in Rome, do as the Romans do", and that makes a lot of sense.  If you can't do that then you should just stay home.


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