Wednesday, September 26, 2012

average household

i heard on the news this morning that the composition of an average household is changing and what used to be mom, dad, and 2 or 3 kids is now the minority.

i grew up in a household that consisted of mom, gramma, grampa, sister, and me...sort of unusual for the time but i knew many people with the same kind of household.  ours was definitely a result of poverty but i think similar households of today are more the result of choice.

single moms and dads who have good relationships with their parents can benefit in many ways by combining their households, financially as well as socially.  the influx of immigrant families where it is the norm for a household to consist of many generations might also be an influence.  it can be a joy if it works and a disaster if it doesn't.

i loved my mother but she would have driven me crazy if she lived in my house.  it would have been like having a 110 lb.  roomba (not sure if that's how you spell the little doodad that scoots around your house mindlessly vacuuming) constantly at work.  added to that was her all consuming need to have my complete attention at all times and i'm sure it would have led to a nervous breakdown...or matricide.  

i like living alone but it's not my preference.  i'd love to have a jovial companion who is also a great handyman but they seem to be in short supply for ladies of my age and weight.  any way, second best is living by myself and having friends and family close by.  the freedom this gives me is perfect.

households of 2 dads or 2 moms (gay couples) simply befuddle me.  i know they exist but it just doesn't seem right.  households where the wife works and the dad looks after the children also seems odd but there is some logic to it.

in the end, a household can consist of many different combinations and it really doesn't matter too much what they are as long as there is harmony in the family.  

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