Tuesday, September 11, 2012

difference in a day

human psychology is one of my strong interests so, of course, i'm cataloguing the effects of a broken wrist on my day to day living.  i hadn't noticed how the drugs i'd been taking for pain had fuzzied my thinking until i began to take fewer of them.  luckily, i'm not a pill enthusiast so i've gradually cut down on my intake, accepting a bit of physical discomfort as preferable to dosing and dozying myself with really unnecessary drugs.

i wish it was easier to type with one hand but it isn't and that's why my blogs are short these days.

yesterday and today i took care of some loose ends around the house...arranging for replacement of new and broken coffee table, arranging with handyman to replace new but not working pump on new screen door, arranging for old sofa to be carted away.  i love tying up loose ends because it gives me a sense of accomplishment.

faye and donna are coming over this afternoon for our swedish weaving get-together and i'll attempt to do some weaving.  even if i can't it will be a pleasant afternoon of yakking with 2 interesting friends.  

today is the 11th anniversary of 9/11 and it's just as sad today as it was 11 years ago.  so many senseless deaths and all it did was make our world less safe for everyone.  we lost an innocence we didn't even know we had.  the terrorists are still with us, too, infiltrating our country and making plans for destruction.  what a sick waste of life when, instead, they could be working to make our world a safer and kinder one.  i believe that when you allow hatred a foothold it will destroy your life.  better to let differences fall aside and try to find a way to work together than to hamper progress with stubborn egos. 

well, i'm tired and need to warm my coffee.  my work is never done.    

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