Friday, September 28, 2012

still able

it's funny how some jobs seem monumental and too overwhelming to even begin but just do one little chore, and then another, and in time it all becomes doable.

granted, i'm limited to what i can lift and move because of the broken wrist but i'm not a quadriplegic so i can perform some tasks.  i've made a list of all the tiny little chores needing attention before i leave for florida and it's surprising that few require heavy lifting and can be done at my pace and interest.

because i've developed the habit of preparing for florida in september, i felt as though i really needed all that time to get things done but i neglected to note that i probably only devoted minutes to each task.  also, many of the tasks were carried out by telephone and cheque writing, all of which are one handed work.

it all boils down to needing help to lash the patio table to the deck, put the deck planters on the floor, unpot the geraniums and clean the soil off (they go to florida with me so this has to be done no more than 2 days before i leave), and putting my suitcase into the trunk of the car...not much when you think about it and i might even be able to look after the geraniums.

i've often admired the abilities i've witnessed in real handicapped people and can identify with their feeling that, if they want it done, they'll try to find a way to do it themselves.  there's such a feeling of accomplishment when you do for yourself but there's no shame in accepting help with what is impossible for you to do.

i thank the heavens for my girls and how they've made every effort to be here for me but i'm equally thankful that my injury will soon heal and they won't have to give up so much of their free time doing for me.  we all need help once in a while but we also need to do what we can for ourselves or we'll end up being overly dependant on our loved ones and that's not fair to them.

anyway, in 20 days my cast comes off and i can put this whole unfortunate episode behind me.  in 29 days i leave for florida.  i'm a lucky lady.


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