Wednesday, October 03, 2012

15 days to go

in 15 days this cumbersome cast will be removed...i wonder how they do it.  i've already asked if it hurts to remove the pin and been told i'd hardly feel it but then i had to go and google that question on the internet...stupid me...and found out that isn't necessarily so.  it doesn't matter much either way because the pin has to come out but i'll screech like a banshee if the doctors hurt me.  it makes no sense to suffer in silence when a little freezing would help.

the past month hasn't been easy but it hasn't been the worst thing to happen to me, either.  it helps that the condition is temporary and that it shouldn't take all that long to get back to normal.  i look on it as a life experience, one that tested my mettle and one that hopefully is teaching me something.  so far, it's taught me patience and endurance.

as we make our way through life we'll all have ups and downs so we'd better learn quickly how to handle the not-so-good times.  you can either lie down and be defeated by them or you can gather up your inner strength and see them through the best way you can.  each time you tap your inner strength it makes you stronger to handle the next rut in the road...and there will always be another.


Caregiver said...

You really have been dealt a load of crap in the past couple of years and you have held your head high and come through with an inner strength I hardly recognize. I admire you.

patsyrose said...

honestly, and i've said it before, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. we're all tougher than we know.