Friday, October 05, 2012

nolan's day with gg

i love it that nolan comes through my front door and immediately heads for the toys he feels are his alone.  it's like this is just another one of his homes and that means he has complete trust when he comes here.  it's an honor to be trusted like this.

there are grandparents i know whose grandchildren wouldn't recognize if they passed them on the street and i always think what a loss it is on all sides.  what self-centered selfishness lies within a person that makes them uninterested in their progeny?  the cycle of life hopefully gives us children and then grandchildren, even greatgrandchildren if we're really lucky.  we love, nurture and raise our children but all bets are off when it comes to grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.  they are our prize to love and cherish only.  this is the truly fun stage of parenting and anyone who misses out on it by choice is a damn fool.

nolan and his little brother, nash, make me smile just with their tiny presence.  it gives me a sense of wonder to watch them learning about their world.  nolan still can't quite grasp the fact that his parents and grandparents have parents, too, but he's trying.  just today i was instrumental in teaching him a simple fact that the difference between fire trucks and other fire vehicles is that fire trucks have ladders (or"yadders" as he says).  these are such simple lessons but it gives me a tiny part in his education.  he's part of me and my purpose in his life is to love him and help him understand the world.

i think that one of the greatest gifts we'll ever receive is the gift of children, whether our own bloodline or not.  my little gift is now crawling around my livingroom floor happily playing with his cars and trucks.  all day long, he'll return my adoration with affection and comedic relief.  how much fun is that?

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