Saturday, October 06, 2012

overweight t.v. anchor woman

who would have thought that someone would have the insensitivity to e-mail a t.v. anchor woman and tell her she was a poor role model because of her weight?  her response has made headlines and every woman, especially, should be proud of the way this lady held her head high but still made a vital point.

there is more to a human being than their weight or looks.  a person could be slim, like the sender of the nasty e-mail, or beautiful of face, honestly unlike the sender of the e-mail, but have a horrible personality, like the sender of the e-mail, and we wouldn't want to associate with them.  news people hunted down this character and what i saw was an old, scrawny man who didn't understand he'd said anything to hurt the anchor woman's feelings.  now, if he'd been called a scrawny old man, would that have hurt his feelings?

i really wonder why this man felt the urge to attack a public figure he didn't even know and make rude comments on her appearance?  i know we can all be judgemental of others for different reasons but we don't usually resort to e-mailing those opinions.  i sense that inside this man is an angry, insecure person who alienates the people around him.

in my eyes, the anchor woman is pretty and well spoken.  so what if she's packing a few more pounds than most emaciated t.v. women?  i'd prefer to be in her company than the cruel e-mailer any day. 

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