Thursday, October 25, 2012


Lisa asked me if I could remain in my house once the RRIF money is gone and I replied that I could possibly do it with just pension money for income but it would be too tight.  I certainly couldn't afford the pampering I got yesterday on pension income.  I treated myself to leg wax, face wax, manicure, and pedicure and it was soooo nice.  This full treatment only comes once a year but I like being able to afford it.

My decision to sell the house in 2015 bothered me only a tiny bit until I gave myself a shake and realized that it helped to have a deadline.  I don't like change and it's possible I've stayed in the house too long already but now time is running out and my hand is forced.  I know this is a good thing.

By selling the house, I can continue living a comfortable lifestyle without worrying about pampering myself once in a while.  I had to count pennies for too long in my youth to want to do it again in my old age.  I've always told my children that owning a house is one of the best investments you can make and it's always held true for me.  

I won't be sad to move as long as I can find an apartment I like.  My plan is to do my research over the next couple of years in order to zero in on possibilities.  Staying in or near my home town is necessary in order to be close to my family but I'm pretty open to apartment size and facilities.  

This is the twilight of my life and I want it to be as pleasant as possible.  Let the pampering continue!  

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