Sunday, November 11, 2012

Home Alone

It's Sunday evening, one of my few home alone evenings and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.  Sylvia, Jake and I had a lovely brunch at "Bob Evans" so I only had soup for supper.  Then I had a short nap...just enough to regain my energy for a few hours of T.V. and computer playing.  My life might not be exciting but it's just perfect for me.

When we were in Tampa, we saw a couple begging at an intersection and it made me think about how fickle chance is in your life.  The two looked to be in their 40's and terribly rough around the edges but who knows what has happened in their lives to bring them to this moment?  No-one is born expecting to end up a beggar but some are given more opportunities than others to better themselves.  I thank the fates that I have a good life.  And the person I thank the most is Dennis.

I'm sitting here at my laptop and half listening to a Xmas story on T.V.  I don't think I could be much happier than I am at this moment.  Well, maybe a bit more if I didn't know there was a teensy lizard lurking nearby.

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