Monday, November 26, 2012

Time Past and Present

It's been fun keeping up on Facebook with friends and family I don't get to see very often.  I can follow them on their trips, their moves, and watch their children and grandchildren grow.  Some people think that Facebook is useless but it's a tiny, pleasant part of my everyday events.

Irene is an old friend that I cherish but she long ago moved back to New Brunswick so I haven't seen her or her family in such a long time.  Through Facebook, I can keep up with her and her family.  I'm not a person who uses the telephone very much...sort of actually dislikes using it at all.  This all stems from when I worked at Eatons and then Sears catalogue many years ago where I was firmly attached to the telephone taking orders.  I later worked at the catalogue desk at Sears and loved that, though.

It's always a surprise to see how people I knew as little children have become grandparents.  It means I'm much older, too, but I just don't feel that in my mind...only my body.  Irene's daughter, Brenda, just let me know that her son is 29 and I think Brenda was just in her early 20's when I last saw her.  Following her travels as a missionary is one of the most interesting things I see on Facebook.

Time passes and, before you know it, it's a whole new world.  New little people have been born and you can't imagine a time they weren't here.  You realize you didn't know what you'd been missing before they arrived.

Kim told me a cute thing that 3 year old Nolan said the other day.  You know those little gel toilet cleaning dabs that stick to the inside of the toilet and clean it every time you flush?  Well, the little genius was sitting on the toilet and happened to notice them.  He asked his Gramma, "Are those candies?".  I'm glad he asked before popping one in his mouth!  He cracks me up and I'm so happy he's in my life.

Yes, life circumstances change often but most often it's for the better.  All that went before has given me Nolan and Nash and I couldn't be happier.

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