Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hostess Bakery Loss

Hostess Bakery products have been around forever.  I remember them as a child when their logo was prevalent in every grocery store but that is ending.  Their workers' union has refused to allow wages and benefits to be lowered in order to keep the company from claiming bankruptcy so the company is folding.

I understand the need for unions in most cases because they do aid in making businesses pay their workers fairly but Hostess Bakery is a different story.  Without wage and benefit cuts, they face bankruptcy so why wouldn't the workers bite the bullet and settle for less just for the time being, until the company was better off financially?

It's never easy for anyone to get by on less income but isn't some income better than none?  There's no doubt that some union workers need a reality check today.  Times are tough all over and businesses are suffering losses they have no way of controlling.  If a business operates in the red too long, there is no way of climbing out of the hole and they will have to close up shop.  At Hostess, this means the loss of thousands of jobs with these people thrust into one of the worst job markets in the past 20 years.  It must be terrifying for them but the majority of them have allowed their union to get them into this mess.

It's scary to see a long established corporation like Hostess go down the tubes and we'll always wonder if it would have happened if the workers' union had compromised.

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