Friday, November 23, 2012

Coffee Morning & Not Much Else

We had about 7 people at coffee morning which is about par for this time of the year.  Rare for this time of the year is that it was too cool this morning to sit outside.  We had some great conversation as never know what the topics will be from one week to the next...and educated our American friends on Canadian pensions.  I still can't believe that we call one of them Old Age Security.  I'm going to send in a letter to the editor of the Spectator suggesting we change it to Senior Welfare.  I think single Welfare pays more so they must think seniors don't eat as much or something.

I watched a few moments on T.V. which showed poor human behaviour from some people looking for bargains on Black Friday.  Apparently they learned nothing from yesterday's Thanksgiving celebration.  Greed and bad manners seem to rule on Black Friday so I stayed away from the stores, only daring to go to the post office.

I shouldn't knock greed.  I discovered that my complete carnival glass punch bowl set is worth a pretty penny so I took some nice photos and listed it on Ebay.  I'm hoping to have Ebay money to pay for all my utilities this winter (at the trailer).  It used to do that and more until last year when I had to chip in some of my own money to pay for them.  Times are tough for all of us.

Well, Bingo tonight and, if I don't win, I'm going to have to fork over some of my own money to play next Wednesday.  If I didn't gamble, I'd be rich but I wouldn't be as happy as I am now.  Money is only paper but happiness makes life worth living.

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