Thursday, December 20, 2012

Bullet Proof Backpacks for Children

In my wildest dreams I never would have thought I'd see the day when a product like this one would hit the stands.  How could anyone consider it normal to produce or buy a child's backpack that is specifically made to be bullet proof?  Is this what our world has come to?  What ever happened to the days when children could play outside or attend school safely?  I've seen many changes in this world in my 72 years but this time I'm left feeling as though we really have all gone mad.

Bad enough that we saw a deranged killer armed with "legal" weapons that included assault rifles break into a school and murder 20 young children and 6 adults who probably gave their own lives trying to protect them.  Bad enough that gun enthusiasts will still fight to the death to keep their right to buy and own weapons only needed in battlefields.  Bad enough that these same idiots suggest that, instead of limiting access to assault rifles to the general public, all teachers should carry them during class.  Now some enterprising manufacturer has made and sold thousands of bullet proof childrens' backpacks guaranteed to stop a 44 calibre bullet at blank range.

Did anyone ever think that there was a danger in this pathetic world of someone walking up to a little child going to school and deliberately shooting them?  If this is the new norm we are all lost.

I'm starting to think the trouble doesn't belong only to the guns.  There seems to be a mindset with too many that molesting, beating, or taking the lives of helpless children is an achievement.  Some wouldn't lower themselves to harming a child but would still do all of these evils to an adult.  When did human life become so easily disposable?

I don't have to ask when some American parents were terrorized into purchasing bullet proof backpacks for their babies.  It happened in December of 2012.


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