Sunday, December 02, 2012

Floor Washing Day

Today is floor washing day for me and it seems to take forever for it to dry.  You wouldn't think that would be the case in warm Florida but I guess it's the amount of moisture in the air that inhibits drying.  Because it takes so much time...moving furniture around in a small space, washing the floor in sections, and then waiting for it all to dry, I try to do it on a day when I have nothing else to do.  Right now I'm playing on the computer with 2 of 3 sections complete and the fans trying to dry section #2.  Section 3 will be the area around the computer desk and I'll have to vacate it.

Keeping a trailer clean is a breeze, really.  I can do a half way job in 10 minutes each day and that leaves the trailer neat and comfortable to live in.  I think it's the way we're supposed to live instead of in monster sized houses that take all day to clean.  Since I live alone, my house back home doesn't take much time to clean, either, because I do my best to clean up as I go.  When I don't have to store merchandise and shipping materials for Ebay, it will be even neater.  I suppose I'll use that extra time to do more writing...maybe hounding the local newspaper with letters of complaint or praise.

Well, I think section #2 might be dry so it's time to clear out section #3 so I can wash the floor there. 

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