Saturday, December 01, 2012

What "Senior" Women Talk About

The above picture is of Jan wearing Agnes' Santa jiggles back and forth when activated.  This was taken during our Friday morning coffee with the park ladies and the reason I took only a picture of Jan is because she's the one who had us laughing the hardest with her choice of topic...condoms.

Now, most of us senior ladies have no need for condoms.  Either we're widows or we have husbands who can only be active in their imagination.  Anyway, Jan was a fountain of knowledge about all the different kinds of condoms that are available these days...different colors and textures.  We asked her how she knew all this stuff and she replied, "I have a son".  I guess that says it all.

Another of our coffee guests used to work for a government agency that dispensed birth control and she had us laughing again with one of her stories.  Apparently they had to hand out condoms to anyone who asked for one and the young neighborhood boys would come in for them but use them as balloons so Caroline got an idea.  She asked a group of boys who had come into the office if they knew what the condoms were supposed to be used for and only 2 of them didn't.  She took the boys into a private room and explained it to them, then told them she'd have to demonstrate their intended use if the boys came in asking for them again.  The boys fled and never returned.  Problem solved.

We always have plenty to laugh about at our coffee mornings but this last one was one to remember.

By the way, Sylvia was trying to turn the Santa hat off and it sexually assaulted her.  LOL!

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