Friday, January 11, 2013


After the potato bar at the clubhouse last night we were treated to an information session with a local cardiologist.  I was thoroughly enjoying it until he began telling someone asking about Obamacare that the Canadian health care system resulted in the Canadian government forcing severely ill people to return home for treatment instead of having it done in the United States.  This was such distorted information that I had to speak up and inform him that it would not be the Canadian government forcing them home but their private insurance companies.  If a Canadian leaves the country without buying the proper out-of-country health insurance, then they are responsible for paying any bills they incur in a foreign country.  This doctor went on to insinuate that elderly people would not be given the same health care coverage under Obamacare as younger ones and could possibly be just left to die instead of given life saving treatment.  It was a case of scaring the elderly into refusing socialized medicine in the United States by a doctor who stood to lose a bit of his enormous income if Obamacare is installed.

I've heard so many people here very confused about what Obamacare will take away from them and I've also heard the politicians (bought and paid for by insurance companies) rave about the horrors to come with Obamacare.  This is the first time I've seen firsthand a doctor go out of his way to further frighten an already unsure group of seniors.  It was a travesty.

All we can do as Canadians is assure them our own socialized medicine has been a success in Canada compared to what we had before it came to be.

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