Monday, February 18, 2013

My Vow

Sylvia and I spent 7 1/2 hours today trying to convince little Barb to remain in the hospital just one more day to help bring some crucial levels back up but she adamantly refused.  Her daughter, son, daughter-in-law, and the nurses and her doctor tried in vain to make her change her mind but she would listen to no-one.  Apparently a person can't be forced to stay in the hospital even if it's for their own good so they had to let her leave, but against the advice of her doctor.  What this means to us aliens using out-of-country health insurance is that she'll have no coverage should she have to be readmitted with the same ailment again.  She is still unwell and unable to eat or drink very much at all so her health can only deteriorate now.  This drives me crazy.

What she is doing to her family and her friends by putting herself in danger like this is terrible but this sweet lady who is otherwise a soft and gentle person has turned into a stubborn, unclear thinking person who doesn't seem to comprehend the consequences of her actions.

I vow never to do this to my family but I doubt that Barb, in her right mind, would worry hers like this.  Her family, snowed in for the next few days in Nova Scotia, will be worried sick until they can get a flight to Florida to take her home.  Her friends here in the park will be worried sick until her son and daughter-in-law arrive.  We'll all be hoping that she stays relatively healthy until they can get her back home but there's no guarantee she'll allow them to admit her to a hospital even at home if she needs it.

I can't see a happy ending here.

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