Thursday, February 07, 2013

Teed Off

I am so darned dependent on Lisa and Anna (back home) to take care of my computer problems but there's no-one here in Florida who I can turn to.  There are lots of people who know a heck of a lot more than I do but that's about 99% of the world.  No-one seems to know why I can no longer upload pictures to my blog and I'm completely inept to figure it out myself.

Just recently I removed everything about AOL from the computer and felt really proud of myself but now I'm wondering if I did something wrong.  It's so frustrating being so stupid about computers and I just know that there's not enough time left in my life to turn me into a computer geek.

I can still upload pictures to Facebook and that further confuses me as to where the problem lies.

I'm very, very sad. 

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