Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Blood Work Done

I haven't had full blood work done in too many years so I decided today was the day. I checked on the internet very early this morning to see what time the lab opened and saw an 8 A.M. time which allowed me a few hours to play on the computer.  I walked into the lab at 8:05 A.M. and saw a million people waiting in front of me...my number was 86 and only 44 had been called.  So I sat and just entertained myself by watching the other people.  One lady came in with 3 cute little boys, aged about 4, 5, & 7.  My waiting time turned out to be an hour so I don't know how she kept those little boys as well behaved as they were.  They went in for their blood work just before I did and it was hilarious to see the expression on the 5 year old's face as he was handed a bottle to pee in.  When the 4 year old was asked where he lived, he said, "at home", and that cracked us all up.

I sat and waited patiently as the numbers called slowly moved up to 50,  60, 70, 80...many people had given up and left so they were able to skip some numbers.  I was mistakenly waiting for number 89 to be called when I heard, "number 87?".  I looked down at my number and was shocked to see 86 and not 89.  The staff was very nice, though, and took me anyway.  I guess they get a lot of that.  One man was sound asleep in the waiting room  and one of the staff went over and peeked at his number so that he wouldn't miss his call.

I had parked near the LCBO and thought I may as well get a bottle of wine to take up to Joyce's next week.  Darned if they weren't closed...they open at 10 A.M.  Wonder what religious group insisted on those hours?

Faye and Donna are coming over this afternoon for Swedish weaving.  It's supposed to rain for the next couple of days so I'll do more outside work on the weekend.  No stress, no pressure.  

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