Monday, May 06, 2013


It doesn't take much to make me happy but I'm especially happy today.  Linda finally finished scrubbing my house from top to bottom and it looks so darned good!  She pulled out furniture and got into corners that I've neglected for too long and it's given me a new lease on life.  I don't feel overwhelmed with work that's just too strenuous for me now and that's a load off my mind.

Now I have added impetus to make a more intense stab at getting rid of excess stuff in my house.  My plan has been to attack one room at a time and either give to the girls, take to the Salvation Army, or put in the garbage.  Knowing me, I'll jump from one room to another without finishing either one but at least I'll be clearing unnecessary items out while I scoot about.  I've noticed that I have an awful lot of paperwork around the computer that can't possibly all be needed.  I think I hang on to paperwork because I'm afraid to throw it out but that's about to change.

I don't like sterile, totally barren and too organized homes but there's no danger of that happening to me.  The best I can hope for is to be able to look around my house and only find a few things that have no purpose.

But for this moment I'll just bask in my nice, clean house, thanks to Linda!  

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