Thursday, May 30, 2013

Kim Is 55

Kim turned 55 today and I'm still puzzled about how she survived being the first child of a 17+ mother and a 21 year old father (he turned 21 two days before Kim was born).  She's always been one of those special human beings, really an angel but she'd never believe it.

I was deeply in love with her father but wasn't happy to find myself pregnant at the young age of 17.  I remember not really feeling a connection to the baby growing inside me until she first moved.  Then the miracle of having a baby of my own became a realization.  Funny how I never thought too much about her belonging equally to her father because, in my mind, she was all mine.  Thank heavens he was a good father who loved her just as much as I did, though.

Dennis and I winged it being first time parents but we did the best we could so maybe love is all a child needs to grow up successfully.  And that she did, becoming a loving and caring woman you can trust with your life.

Dennis and I did good!  

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