Friday, May 31, 2013

Deny, Deny, Deny

Toronto mayor Ford is using the old defence of deny, deny, deny, and refuses to answer questions asked about his reported drug use.  I suppose he's hoping that everyone will give up trying to get answers as to why he was photographed using drugs with known drug dealers.  He did respond once by saying it was a photograph of his twin brother, one no-one has ever heard of before.  I'm not surprised by a politician using drugs...I'm sure there are plenty who do but haven't been caught...but I am a little disconcerted that the mayor of one of the largest cities in the world would not worry about being photographed doing it.  And with nasty drug lords, too!

We in Canada are hearing about a lot of our politicians bleeding the public dry by overspending, cheating, and behaving the way we sort of expect they're always doing but now they're being so blatant about their dishonesty that it's scary.  Is the public so stupid that we'll vote these characters back into office again?  I'm not sure we can get rid of criminal senators, though.

I read somewhere that we get the government we deserve so maybe this is payback for our lackadaisical attitudes about who we put into office.  I don't vote because I believe they're all crooks.  I think it's a hoot when people get all riled up about having their choice elected.  In my humble opinion, you just can't trust a politician because they're all cut from the same cloth.  It's called "bullshit fabric". 

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