Sunday, June 02, 2013


Every once in a while throughout your life, you wake up one morning and feel exhilarated.  It may be for any number of reasons each time but sometimes you just don't know the reason.

This morning was one such morning for me.  Maybe I'd had a good sleep.  Anyway, I came downstairs to the kitchen feeling sort of wonderful and, as usual, started the coffee.  Next came starting the computer and opening doors and windows to let in the fresh air.  The ensuing coolish breeze on my face heightened the feeling of exhilaration and I realized I just felt good to be alive on this calm and quiet Sunday morning.

The sun was shining for a while and a fairly stiff breeze was rustling through the leaves but I don't think it was the weather that was affecting me so much as this moment in my life.  I've gone through the good and the bad to reach this moment and it's a fine one, thank heavens.

I won't try to analyse it any more.  I'll just bask in the happiness of it while it lasts. 

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