Friday, May 03, 2013

Real Estate Agent

My neighbor gave me the name of a real estate agent who happens to be a friend of hers and he came over to visit me yesterday.  He really was very informative, giving me a few tips on what to expect when I sell the house 2 years from now.  I thought it might be a bit early to contact a real estate agent but he didn't seem to mind.  I understand he was drumming up business but he's exactly the type of person I'll need to help me get through selling the house when the time comes.

There were a couple of faults in the plaster that I wondered would be a problem but was assured they were very minor.  He did say that a fresh coat of paint, in the light colors I use, would be a help but I'd already planned to have that done next summer, anyway.  He'll give me a call after he's done some research on what houses like mine are selling for to let me know what price I can expect to list it.  I'm a little curious about that but not worried.  It will sell for what someone is willing to pay.

My brother-in-law has bought and sold many houses and he's never used a real estate agent.  I know that saved him a lot of money but I'm willing to pay the 5% or so to an agency rather than deal with the financing myself.  My "overwhelm" threshold is shrinking with every passing year and I'm certain that the stress of just selling the house and moving into an apartment will be about as much as I can manage.

It's funny how, after spending 45 years in this house, I'm really looking forward to selling it and moving on.  I guess it's because I recognize a new phase in my life is on the horizon and I can make it a positive one if I plan well.  In a way, it's exciting to imagine how freeing it will be to not have an ageing house to keep in working order.  As in everything, it's all in the attitude you choose to adopt and I know I'll do just fine when all is done.    

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