Thursday, May 02, 2013


There are people who hate Facebook because of all the banality posted on it every day but I find it a good place to keep tabs on my family and friends.  For instance, I just found out that one of my grandsons is in a committed relationship with pictures posted.  I haven't had the opportunity to meet this girl yet and was able to give them a quick and easy invitation via Facebook.

I hate having to telephone someone but will do it if necessary.  Facebook allows me to make contact without having to spend much time doing it and that is a good thing as far as I'm concerned.  It's apparent that I'll never understand the people who practically have a cell phone welded to their ear and feel the need to remain connected constantly.  That would be hell on earth for me.  I do have a cell phone but no service and this is so I can access 911 should an emergency arise while I'm on the road.  No-one can reach me when I'm on the road, though, and that's how I like it.

I have a lot of American friends that I miss seeing all summer so it's nice to be able to go on Facebook in the morning and see what some of them are up to.  And then I also get to see what some of my grandchildren are up to...sometimes better not knowing, though.  If I had my choice, I'd keep every single one of my children, grandchildren, and greatgrandchildren living in a family compound where I'd be queen and they'd never do anything to worry me.  Sigh!  It's hard for me accept their independence but then, I'm not the queen.

The computer has become a necessity in my life.  I read mail and jokes as I drink my morning coffee, then check out Facebook to see what my "peeps" are doing.  Once I know all is well in my extended world, I can go on with the rest of my life.  And it's good!     

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