Wednesday, May 01, 2013


It's all about your attitude and you get to choose how you will react to any situation.  You can choose to get your innards all riled up or you can choose to amputate.  Long ago, I heard that expression used, meaning "to remove any person from your life who makes you miserable".  Personally, I can handle nasty people as long as I'm not with them too often.  They are a source of interest because I love to delve in psychology.  Why do people do what they do?  Why are some people rude and obnoxious?  I believe rude people really hate themselves, don't you think?

All of us have struggles we're dealing with but the choice comes from how we deal with these struggles.  Do we wallow in our own unhappiness or do we face the world with as much positive attitude as we can manage?  We can choose to see our station in life as ample or we can choose to always want more in order to be satisfied.  We can see the good in people instead of concentrating on what we'd like to change.  We can be grateful for each day we're gifted with and take steps to make it a good one....or we can be blind to the opportunities in front of us.

It's always a bit surprising to see pictures of children who are living in poverty but smiling and laughing as they play.  They've learned the real truth in life and that's to enjoy the moment because there will be moments in our lives that are not so joyful.  

Today, the sun is shining and the air is blissfully warm and I can put my struggles aside...for the moment.

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