Sunday, May 19, 2013

Tired and Sore

Yesterday Nick and Matt came over and cleared out all the junk from my driveway...bagged leaves from the fall and a collapsed utility table.  They also took the papazon (not sure of the spelling) chair that was down in the basement craft room and never used.  Apparently it's been there since their childhood because they remembered it from then.  After they left I straightened up what was left in the driveway and hosed it down.  This is a part of the driveway separated from car parking by a fence so that I have a spot to pot flowers and it's safe for the little kids to play there, too.  Some of the smaller outside toys belonging to Nolan and Nash are kept in a dock box and their ride-on toys are out there, too.

It's so comforting getting things done in the spring but I'm going to have to find a plastic table to keep out there for my plant potting work.  I also want to get a hard sided plastic pool for the little guys to play in when they're here.

Today I bought some plants but not enough to fill all my pots.  I bought mainly begonias this year because they are colorful and hardy.  I'll get a few impatiens later but they aren't as hardy as the begonias.  I also bought a thunbergia and some morning glory seeds to put against the downspout at the front of the house.  I saw a great idea on Pinterest where you wrap the downspout in chicken wire (I bought a plastic version, though) and the climbing plants will cover it nicely.  My strength ran out before I could get around to doing it but there's always next week.

Mary told me that Home Depot had small geraniums on sale for 96 cents each so I went out and bought 6 to put somewhere...I haven't decided where yet.  I picked Kim up on the way back and we went over to the rec center to watch Nolan's swimming class.  He was the rambunctious one again and Kim had to have a little talk with him.  He wasn't bad,

Kim has been working as hard or harder than me so both of us were hurting.  We went over to Wendy's for supper after Nolan's class and then it was home and rest for both of us.  I love planting season but it seems to wear me out just a little bit more every year.  It will be nice to just have a couple of potted plants on my apartment balcony in 2015!

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