Monday, May 20, 2013

Tulips Still Beautiful

The tulips in my front garden this year were the most beautiful they've ever been but my camera wasn't working at the time so I couldn't take any pictures.  There are still a few out there that haven't fallen apart yet and I picked some this morning for this vase.  I even included a sprig of columbine.  

A few years ago I tore the whole front garden apart and began anew with perennials and tulip bulbs chosen specifically for their height, color, and time of blooming.  Things didn't work out as I'd planned, though.  Either the bulbs were mislabelled or the squirrels repositioned them because there are groups of taller tulips directly in front of shorter ones.  There are also stray odd colored tulips among a grouping of a different color.  It doesn't much matter, though, because a perfect garden isn't really a garden, is it?

I went out in the yard this morning to do the lattice/downspout thing and found out it wouldn't work because I couldn't get a planter close enough to the wall.  No matter...I'll just return the lattice to the store.  I'd bought a big thunbergia climbing plant for the downspout but planted it in another spot where it will provide just as much beauty over the summer.

So far I've spent about $70 on flowers and I still need about 10 4/packs of impatiens for a few empty pots.  I must remember to get some grass seed, too, because my poor back lawn has developed some huge bare spots.  

A gorgeous red cardinal just had a drink from the bird bath on the deck.  It flew off before I could take a picture but it will be back.  Spring and summer in Canada...beautiful!  

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