Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tornado and God

Murder, accidental death, environmental death, child abuse, spousal abuse, senseless cruelty...these are the things that make me question the existence of a supreme being looking over us.  The tornado in Oklahoma yesterday killed many innocent children and this again makes me question why a supreme being with the ability to protect us would allow this to happen.

I've been an agnostic for most of my life and will probably die as one.  I just don't understand why innocent children or good people have to suffer sometimes unbearable loss.  Church goers tell me I just need to trust in god and the answers will all be revealed to me in the hereafter but this makes no sense to me.  The basic instinct that we humans are blessed with is to protect our children so why would a supreme being not feel the same way?

I have close friends and family who are devoutly religious so I usually don't pose such questions to them.  They receive a lot of comfort from their religion so it would be cruel to take that away from them.  Me, I'm hoping there is a god but if and when I get to meet him I'm going to have some very serious questions to ask him about his management skills.

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