Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Canadian Culture

I've been listening to the comedy channel on T.V. (yes, listening as I play on the computer) and they're making fun of our so-called non-existent Canadian culture again.  I think there is a definite culture in Canada.  For the most part, you can pick us out by noticing the overly polite person in the group.  It seems our parents really drilled the social niceties into us starting in the womb.

It's hard to find a Canadian who reveres their politicians.  We vote but we know we're voting for the best of a bad lot.  We don't march enmasse screaming to behead our lying, thieving politicians, either.  We like serenity.

Canadians are good at making the best of a touchy situation.    During any war in the world you will find our soldiers trying to make peace.  I'm proud of that! We do get angry at any exhibition of violence, though, and will turn hard as nails when it comes to making a violent person pay for his crime...short of actual capital punishment, of course.  We figure if we keep him in jail for a long time, giving him good meals, excellent health care, and conjugal visits, he will be grateful enough to become non-threatening to the Canadian public when he's released.  Funny, that doesn't seem to work but we keep trying.

Canadians are also smug, finding more fault with other countries than their own.  I think we're right.  There's very little chance here of cutting off another driver on the road and being shot in retaliation.  There's even less chance here of women being forced to cover up their shorts and tank tops with a body hiding robe with only slits for eyes.

We are white, black, beige, and have roots in every country in the world but have chosen Canada as our home.  We are a diverse culture here as long as it doesn't clash with "Canadian" culture.  For instance, no-one is allowed to circumsize their daughters or force their 8 year old daughter to marry a 60 year old man.  We're much too far along the evolutionary scale to practice that kind of savagery.  Education for both sexes is mandatory, too.

I like Canada and feel very fortunate to have been born here.  Too bad about the cold winters, though.

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