Monday, June 10, 2013

Day With Nolan

This was my Monday to take care of Nolan but the weather was just awful...cold and rainy.  I can't figure out why we have so many severe ups and downs of temperatures these days.  For a few days it's hot and I have to use fans inside the house (it takes really hot weather for me to use the central air) and then it gets so cold that thoughts of turning on the furnace fill my head.

Nolan was so good all day, playing with his toys in the morning and not complaining too much that we had lunch at McDonald's a little later than usual.  I had to go down to the apartment and sign an application at 2 P.M. so I timed lunch to coincide with that.  We toured the apartment again and I like it even more now than I did the first time.  I won't know until Friday if I can have it for July 1st or August 1st, though.  It's so neat and clean!!

I'd been up since 4 A.M. high as a kite on adrenalin but it was Nolan who konked out about 3:30 and I had to drag him awake at 4:30.  He hates anyone waking him up but I put a bowl of Goldfish in front of him and that helped.  We'd watched about 3/4 of "Black Beauty" before I noticed he'd crashed but I knew he was tired because he'd stopped talking.  Nick picked him up just after 5 P.M.  

I found out today that both buyers and sellers of a house can't legally use the same lawyer so I've arranged one for myself and the buyers will have to do the same.  Everything is moving so fast and smoothly that I can't help but think a great big glitch is just waiting to screw it all up.  Fingers crossed!

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