Thursday, June 06, 2013

From Ecstasy to Wariness

Just a few days ago I was feeling so euphoric and now, after the mouse episode, it's turned to wariness where every little movement or possible movement has me on edge.  I knew the extra good feelings wouldn't last forever but I didn't think they'd be buried so quickly and so emphatically.

I didn't sleep well last night because every little sound in the darkness startled me into full awareness.  This too shall pass with time and no new sign of critters in my house.  I watched a movie on T.V. last night where there was a party on the patio and all doors were left wide open for the guests to come and go into the house.  I thought, once again, why don't they worry about critters crawling in?  It seems as though lots of people in Florida where snakes abound keep their doors open, maybe to cool the house.  This always worries me when I see it.

With each passing day my wariness will fade away to normal but not yet.  I know darned well that there is no guarantee that my mouse was a solo traveller.

Mary and Faye are coming over this afternoon and we'll go out for an early dinner.  I'll tell them about this epic incident in my life and they'll console me.  Either that or nag me once again to sell this house and move into an apartment.  By the way, I already have a possible buyer who would like me to do that sooner than 2015.  I'm beginning to reconsider. 

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