Monday, June 24, 2013

Nash Unsettled

I'm taking care of Nash today and, as usual, was a little worried how he'd react to being left here.  I think it helped that his maternal Gramma brought him instead of his mother or father but he wasn't quite as happy to be here as he was last month.  He entered the house a bit slowly and refused to take off his shoes (he seems to feel that if he has his shoes on he doesn't have to stay).  I offered toys and cookies but he remained steadfast at the front door sucking his thumb...such a tiny little boy not too sure what's happening to him.

I finally got him settled by asking if he wanted to go outside and help me in the garden.  Maybe just being outside meant to him that he might not be staying.  LOL!  Anyway, we went out and I did some trimming, handing pieces to him to put in the garbage bin and he liked that.  He played with his outdoor toys for a while but we're in the midst of a heat wave and it was terribly warm and humid out even early this morning so we came in and he happily played with his indoor toys.  It breaks my heart when he's unhappy about being here with me but I know he'll become more comfortable as he gets older.

It is so very important in the lives of children that they gather in and are gathered in by as many family members as possible.  A large community of a loving family just about guarantees that the child will grow up to be a self assured and confident adult.  I often think how much my little ones have lost by not having their greatgrandfather, Dennis, to teach them all he could have done.  They lost their grandfather, Chester, last year and he also could have been a wonderful influence in their lives. 

Well, I'm still here and I'll do my best to instil love and commitment to family in these little ones.  It's all done with play and loving, undivided attention to them.  It's an easy job because I adore them.  

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