Friday, June 28, 2013

Rainy Day

Sometimes a rainy day makes you feel good about life.  You can see how happy the outside plants and the grass are soaking it all up and even flourishing before your eyes.  The rain cleans the dust and dirt from the concrete, too, and that makes it bearable to live with.  One of the prettiest sights is, after a cleansing rainfall, to see the sun come out and start to dry up the remaining puddles.  Without rain we would cease to exist.

The working public might not appreciate rain on the weekends but we seniors can enjoy it any time of the week.  Of course, I can only tolerate rainy, cloudy days one day at a time or I get antsy for the sunshine.  It's one of the things I love about Florida in the winter...rare rain and lots of sunshine.  When I have to stay home for the winters I might become depressed because all I recall about Canadian winters are strings of dreary, overcast days when you almost forget there is a sun in the sky.  The cold can be dealt with but not prolonged absence of sunshine.

But this is summer in Canada and the odd rainy day can be a welcome event.  For some it's the time to get inside work done but not for me.  Rainy days to me mean doing as little as possible, maybe some reading or Swedish weaving.  You see, the rain calms me and I'm waiting for the sun to peep back out to energize me.  I've long stopped trying to analyse why the weather affects me this way and just go with the flow.  Today I will be only a bystander in life...and wait calmly for the sun to shine once again.     

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